The Headingley Community Foundation is a registered charity dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in our community.We are proud to support local nonprofit organizations that provide vital services and resources to Headingley residents.Through generous donations from individuals, businesses, and organizations we are able to make a positive lasting impact.
All gifts, no matter the size, go to work in our community.The Headingley Community Foundation accepts donations by cheque, cash, and e-transfer, as well as by credit card through a secure online portal.All donations are welcome at any time. We appreciate your generosity!
Please note that in accordance with CRA rules and recommendations, while donors may indicate a preference for how their donation may be applied, the ultimate authority rests, at all times, with the charity receiving the donations as to how the funds are used. Further, if a charity does not use the donation in accordance with a donor's preference, the charity is not obliged to, and will not return said funds to the donor.
For more information on charitable giving, including guidance, policies, and regulations, please visit the CRA website:
Community Donor
"We wanted to give something in memory of my father. Now he will be remembered forever and our donation will keep earning funds to give back to the community he loved."
Community Donor
"I found out that I could donate through my will. What a great way to give back to my community! Knowing it will never be spent, but always giving back makes “good” sense to me."
Business Donor
"It’s great to see Headingley creating our own community foundation so that we can help our community be even better, for years to come."
Online Giving
One-time and repeat donations to the Headingley Community Foundation can be made online by clicking the red INVEST IN COMMUNITY button. That button brings you directly to Endow Manitoba, a subsidiary of The Winnipeg Foundation, who processes all online donations without service fees and forwards them to us. We are grateful to have the support of Endow Manitoba and The Winnipeg Foundation, and thank them for their commitment to our community.
Other Types of Giving
The examples below are often referred to as Legacy Gifts. There are many ways that we can facilitate your gifting. If you would like further information or would like to discuss any of the options indicated below, please do not hesitate to leave
us a message at (204)889-3132 Ext 2 or email us at HCFinfo@headingleyfoundation.ca.
Life Insurance
To name the Foundation as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, please contact us to assist in this process.
Appreciated Property
Please contact us to discuss making a gift of appreciated property.
Retirement Funds (RRSPs, RIFFs and TFSAs)
You may name the Foundation as a beneficiary by contacting your financial institution.
Your bequest can be a specific dollar amount, or a portion of or all of the residue of your Estate.
What financial documents do we need to submit?We will accept your most recent treasurer’s report or year end financial statement. Please do not submit a bank statement.
How do we turn a document into a pdf?It all depends on your computer software and there are various explanations online. For example, if you are converting a Word or Excel document, you may follow these steps: Open the document you are going to attach to your application. Click “Save As” and then change the File Type to .pdf and Save. If you require assistance, please give us a call.
Can we begin an application and then finish it later?Applications should be completed in one sitting. HCF cannot guarantee that incomplete applications will be saved. Closing your browser or exiting the application will cause you to lose your work.
Can we preview the application before filling it in?Absolutely! Just answer the 3 questions on the first page of the application, then scroll through page 2 where you will find all the questions and information needed to complete the form.
How will we know you have received our application?The Signee from Step 1 will automatically receive an email confirmation along with a PDF copy of your completed application. Please contact us if you do not receive this confirmation.
What kind of things does HCF hope to fund?We support projects and programs where a moderate grant will have a significant impact.
Is there something HCF doesn't fund?We do not provide funds for ongoing operating costs, nor to support annual fundraising campaigns, or cover deficits or retire a debt, to establish or create endowment funds, nor would we fund requests for sectarian, religious or political purposes.