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Board of Directors

The Foundation is operated by a volunteer board of directors.

This allows us to give back to the community and help people in a meaningful way. We are committed to creating a better future for our community and continuing to make Headingley a great place to live.


Jill Ruth - Chair

Jill moved to Headingley in 1963 and spent the next 38 years immersed in the community, raising her two boys who both attended Phoenix School and played hockey and baseball under Phoenix Recreation.  She has served on several volunteer boards including:   Headingley Youth Club, Phoenix Parent Council, Phoenix Recreation Association, Headingley Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Mid-Canada Marine and Powersports Association.   She also was co-owner of a local family business, Headingley Sport Shop, until her retirement in 2018.   Jill has been a board member on the Headingley Community Foundation since its inception in 2015.

Steven Sykes

​Steve, his wife Lisa, and his three (now adult) children have been Headingley residents since 2005.  Despite his demanding career in the air traffic industry and Lisa’s elementary school teaching career, their family has been active participants in community volunteerism. Steve served for several years on the Phoenix Recreation’s Board as well as Hockey Convener for four years and VP for one year. He joined the Headingley Community Foundation in 2018, serving on the Granting Committee and the Annual 50/50 Fundraiser Committee, and is always willing to pitch in when needed.

John Mauseth - Vice Chair​

​John moved to Headingley with his wife Melanie and their two children in 1999. He volunteered as a hockey coach which led him to the Phoenix Recreation Association serving as Hockey Convenor and later President. He is also proud to have served on the Headinlgey Fire Department. John was elected in 2010 and spent the next 12 years as a  member of the R.M of Headingley council (6 of those years as Mayor). John has represented Beaver Truck Centre in various roles for over 27 years and is currently General Manager for the Manitoba locations. John loves this community and is excited to be a member on the HCF Board. 

Kelly Moon

Kelly, along with her husband Steven and 3 children (Alyssa, Dylan and Katie) have lived in Headingley since 2005.  Kelly was an active volunteer with Phoenix School where all 3 of her children attended and was also very involved with the Phoenix Hockey Association managing numerous hockey teams over the years.  She worked for many years as an Occupational Therapist at Grace Hospital before switching careers to help with the family business.  Kelly and Steven own King’s Services which is located in Headingley.  Kelly is the Safety Coordinator at King’s and ensures the company maintains their COR Certification.  It is a fantastic experience to live and work in such an amazing community and it is an honor to serve on the Board of the Headingley Community Foundation.

Paul Franzmann - Treasurer​

​Paul moved to Headingley in 2004 along with his wife Yolande and children Sydney and Cameron.   They would agree that there is a great sense of community here in Headingley and that it has been a great place to raise a family.  Paul has many years of volunteer Board experience as a Treasurer, including six years with St. Mary’s Academy and several years with a large Charleswood daycare.   Paul is currently the Executive Vice President of Corporate Development at Pollard Banknote Limited.

Kai Lee

Kai initially moved to Headingley in 2006, recently returning to the community with his wife Rachel in April 2022.  Kai began his involvement with the HCF as a member of our Granting Committee prior to officially serving as a Board member. He graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Commerce and later earned his Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. Kai works at an investment management firm and brings a wealth of financial knowledge to the HCF board.  Outside of work and volunteer hours you’ll find Kai and his wife walking throughout the community or enjoying the sun on a golf course. Kai is a proud member of Peguis First Nation.

Janine Girard - Secretary

Janine is a lifelong resident of Headingley where she and her husband Ben raised their three children and were involved in sports in the community.   Janine was born a Keough, an early nineteen hundred historical Headingley family.   To say her roots run deep in Headingley is an understatement.    She has served on numerous volunteer committees throughout her residency in Headingley and during her lengthy teaching career with the St. James-Assiniboia School Division.

Russ Henderson​

Russ and his wife Leslie moved to Headingley in 1996. They raised their 3 children (adults now) here and have enjoyed the benefits of living in Headingley.  With having their kids in Phoenix hockey and softball, and being involved in other local events, gave Russ a great appreciation for the community.   Russ was part of the local snowmobile club, the Cross Country Snow Drifters, and was instrumental in getting a shelter put into Beaudry Park. He also served as Director on the provincial Snoman board for 5 years, and Emceed the International Snowmobile Conference held in Winnipeg in 2017.   His background is over 40 years with MacDon Industries in various capacities. Currently he is the Product Manager for the Combine Draper Header line. 



Jim Robson​​

Jim and his family have been longtime residents of Headingley and is also the Mayor of the RM of Headingley.  He was first elected in 2000 and for the past 24 years has been an active member, not only on council, but many grass roots organizations in our community such as the inaugural committee for the Headingley Community Foundation back in 2014, the Headingley Grand Trunk Trail and others.  Jim is retired from Great-West Life where he held several executive positions including Senior Vice-President responsible for Global Technology Services and Chief Information Officer. 

Yolande Franzmann - RM Representative

​Yolande moved to Headingley in 2004 along with her husband Paul and children Sydney and Cameron. Being raised on a farm west of Headingley in a small French community with her 4 siblings, she has a love of rural community living and how a community of residents can come together to build a better future for all. Her career in Medical Radiation Technology took her to places like the The Pas, Selkirk, Portage la Prairie and Kenora before returning to Winnipeg to work with Cancer Care MB until her retirement. Yolande’s love of the community of Headingley led her to run for council and she is currently serving her 3 rd term. Since coming to Headingley, she has served in multiple positions on the board of Phoenix Recreation and proudly was co-chair for the Headingley 20 th Anniversary. She has volunteered countless hours over the years in the community, with her children’s schools and assisted with multiple community events.



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